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"My Day" View#56

Google Tasks and Task Board really needs a “MY DAY” Feature like Microsoft’s “To Do” and other planners. Yes, I know you can add tasks to Google Calendar for a particular day but that can make the calendar very cluttered.

A “MY DAY” view would be an awesome tool to help prioritzie and focus!! 📅

2 years ago

I add keywords (plain text) inside the notes area of different tasks (eg. morning today evening now daily) and at various times just filter on “now” or morning” to expose the only tasks I need to focus on. I also use Priority-1 2 3 etc and “writing” “emails” works great for me, though I’d live to just click on these commn keywords to switch between views.

2 years ago

I would love this as well! I’d like to see a page that shows tasks, regardless of list, sorted by date, or maybe just a Today view. Google Calendar does this job for the most part, but as Kris said it can get very cluttered and I’d like to be able to view my today tasks as a list.

2 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago

You guys shouldd check the now native “Starred view” of google Tasks

2 years ago

Yes - I liked the starred view in google tasks … but not useful if I can;t use it in tasksboard. But hopefully they’ll add this feature

2 years ago

Yes, this is what Google Todo is really missing

2 years ago

Rozhodně zde chybí, prosím o dodělání, platformu již máte, myslím že by nebylo tak těžké dodělat ale přidaná hodnota obrovská!!!!!

2 years ago

Would really appreciate a “virtual list” like “Today” where I can custom order the tasks. It should contain both reoccuring daily tasks and stamdalone tasks.

a year ago

I am loathe to give Microsoft credit for anything, but a My Day view was really helpful in ToDo. Even though I can see all the tasks due on a given day in Calendar, it’s annoying to have the tasks calendar turned on because the number of tasks I have obscure everything else. I end up turning on the calendar when I need to see what’s due for the day and turning it off the rest of the time. Having a dedicated My Day view would really be really very helpful. Thanks.

a year ago

This is great, and I think somewhat of a duplicate of

a year ago

MY DAY and MY WEEK will both be beneficial. I get the MY DAY view for those working at their desk but when you make a lot fo business trips, as I do, it is difficult to keep determining how busy your next couple of days can be.

a year ago

Or maybe just have custome filters and smart list option? Like filter all tasks due within however many days. That would be beneificial.

10 months ago

Could this be solved by adding the ablity to search by due date - or by date range?

8 months ago

I would love one default list (built natually in) that is a timeline – one you could set for day, week, month or “forever” – wwhere all tasks listed in chronological order regardless of their source list. I think this is simlar to what’s asked for above. Just chiming in! This is the number one reason I will not yet move to a premium plan. Other task apps often have this feature.

7 months ago

Planned 2 years ago, and still not implemented?

5 months ago