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Need a summarized view/board to show My Assigned Tasks from every board#9


Our team has multiple tasksboards, typically between 15-20, one for each of our active projects. Most of our team members are working on many projects at the same time, so the only way they can find tasks assigned to them are to check each board. We are able to see assigned tasks with dates in Google Calendar, however, there are many tasks that cannot be given an expected completion date during entry.

It would be useful to have a summarized view or board, for example, “Assigned to Me” or “My Assigned Tasks” which would list all of the users assigned tasks from every board in one place.

It would help us to only need to view the TasksBoard app, instead of needing to bounce between TasksBoard and Google Calendar and remove the potential for missing tasks which don’t have dates applied.

2 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago

This would be great - we have the exact same issue.

2 years ago

This is necessary, when using more than 5 boards and a team of 5-10 people, it is unusable without a coordinated overview - a problem that makes me think about switching to another program. Please solve it, thanks!!!

2 years ago

Now i can trying to solve
Now I’m trying to solve this and the only way I can think of is to add one task sheet to each tile and share it to another email of mine because I can’t share one sheet across tiles in one account.

This is a really big deal.

2 years ago

We’re just starting to use TasksBoard and I came here hoping someone had requested this. Our team could really use the ability to show tasks “Assigned to me”.

2 years ago

I would love to have the option for a summary view of all tasks across all boards that I can sort by due date so I can see everything across all boards that is due today, tomorrow, this week, etc…

a year ago

I came here to request this. I see it was marked planned a year ago… is this in the works? Any estimate on when?

a year ago